
Good news for OH homeschoolers

From the HSLDA (Homeschool Legal Defense Association):

December 17, 2008

Ohio--No Change to 08 School Regulations

Dear HSLDA Members and Friends,

We are pleased to be able to share good news with you. After the legislatively mandated 5 year review of the regulations governing non-chartered, non-tax supported schools, the Ohio Department of Education (ODE) has told HSLDA that it will not recommend any changes to the regulation and that therefore the State Board will not be making any changes.

That means that everything stays the same as far as homeschooling laws/regulations in the state of Ohio. It's scary what some families go through in some states and other countries for the "right" to homeschool their children. I pray my children have the same freedoms I do when they're having children of their own!

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