
No, No, No!!!!!

I DETEST facial hair...seriously, can't stand it. I don't think it looks good on most men and, where my Dad and husband are concerned, it certainly doesn't feel good. I remember my Dad growing beards during hunting season. It was torture getting close enough to him to hug him or kiss him. Jonathan has never had facial hair since I've known him although I've seen pictures. Anyway....Now don't get me wrong -- there are some men who I wouldn't recognize without their facial hair -- like they wouldn't be themselves without it (Hi, Gary!). But this picture just makes me sad! Do you know who this is?


Leah said...

Its Steven Curtis Chapman

Sarah said...

Are you kidding! I FORBID Justin to ever get rid of his!!!!

Unknown said...

Ah, yes, Justin falls in that category I mentioned -- the one where I wouldn't know them without their facial hair. Justin makes it look good! :) (Gold star for Leah)

Anonymous said...

Somebody's kid used to be scared of Gary's beard - was it one of yours?
I forbid Gary to shave his off - makes him look 12.